Sunday, July 29, 2012

Physical and Language



1 month
Feedings: 5-8 per daySleep: 20 hrs per daySensory Capacities: makes basic distinctions in vision, hearing, smelling, tasting, touch, temperature, and perception of painGeneralized TensionHelpless
Fed by mother
2 months
3 months
Sensory Capacities: color perception, visual exploration, oral exploration.Sounds: cries, coos, gruntsMotor Ability: control of eye muscles, lifts head when on stomach. DelightDistressSmiles at a Face Visually fixates at a face, smiles at a face, may be soothed by rocking.
4 months
6 months
Sensory Capacities: localizes soundsSounds: babbling, makes most vowels and about half of the consonantsFeedings: 3-5 per day
Motor Ability: control of head and arm movements, purposive grasping, rolls over.
Enjoys being cuddled Recognizes his mother. Distinguishes between familiar persons and strangers, no longer smiles indiscriminately.Expects feeding, dressing, and bathing.
7 months
9 months
Motor Ability: control of trunk and hands, sits without support, crawls about. Specific emotional attachment to mother.Protests separation from mother. Enjoys “peek-a-boo”
10 months
12 months
 Motor Ability: control of legs and feet, stands, creeps, apposition of thumb and fore-finger.Language: says one or two words, imitates sounds, responds to simple commands.Feedings: 3 meals, 2 snacksSleep: 12 hours, 2 naps AngerAffectionFear of strangersCuriosity, exploration Responsive to own name.Wave bye-bye.Plays pat-a-cake, understands “no-no!”Gives and takes objects.
1 years
1 ½ years
 Motor Ability: creeps up stairs, walks (10-20 min), makes lines on paper with crayon. Dependent BehaviorVery upset when separated
from motherFear of Bath
Obeys limited commands.Repeats a few words.Interested in his mirror image.Feeds himself.
1 ½ years
2 years
 Motor Ability: runs, kicks a ball, builds 6 cube tower (2yrs) Capable of bowel and bladder control.Language: vocabulary of more than 200 wordsSleep: 12 hours at night, 1-2 hr napTemper tantrums
Resentment of new baby Does opposite of what he is told (18 months).
2 years
3 years
Motor Ability: jumps off a step, rides a tricycle, uses crayons, builds a 9-10 cube tower.Language: starts to use short sentences controls and explores world with language, stuttering may appear briefly. Fear of separationNegativistic (2 ½ yrs)Violent emotions, angerDifferentiates facial expressions of anger, sorrow, and joy.Sense of humor (Plays tricks)Talks, uses “I” “me” “you”Copies parents’ actions.Dependent, clinging, possessive about toys, enjoys playing alongside another child.Negativism (2 ½ yrs).
Resists parental demands.
Gives orders.
Rigid insistence on sameness of routine. Inability to make decisions.
3 years
4 years
Motor Ability: Stands on one leg, jumps up and down, draws a circle and a cross (4 yrs)Self-sufficient in many routines of home life. Affectionate toward parents.Pleasure in genital manipulationRomantic attachment to parent of opposite sex
(3 to 5 yrs)Jealousy of same-sex parent.
Imaginary fears of dark, injury, etc. (3 to 5 years)
Likes to share, uses “we”Cooperative play with other children, nursery school. Imitates parents.Beginning of identification with same-sex parent, practices sex-role activities. Intense curiosity & interest in other children’s bodies.Imaginary friend.
4 years
5 years
Motor ability: mature motor control, skips, broad jumps, dresses himself, copies a square and a triangle.Language: talks clearly, uses adult speech sounds, has mastered basic grammar, relates a story, knows over 2,000 words
(5 yrs)
Responsibility and guiltFeels pride in accomplishmentPrefers to play with other children, becomes competitive prefers sex-appropriate activities

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